Helping Churches & Pastors Become More Effective And Joyful
About This Session
What is Torque? Torque is our energy and strength that enables us to affect the world around us. Harness your torque and direct it to the highest purposes in your life.
Preparing For The Session
Take notes while watching this video about The Power Of Full Engagement. This video is only 12 minutes so "fully engage" in it and discover what it is saying to you. If you want more, you can get the book and dive deep! (Audiobook is only $6 on Amazon/Audible)
Which of the quadrants of "Full Engagement" do you excel in? Where do you struggle?
What is one change that you could make now that would pay off big time moving forward?
Here's a video from Carey Nieuwhof about his approach to Torque and consider these questions:
What are your peak hours?
What are the activities that you most want to engage in during your "Green Zone" time?
Reflections on Louhr/Schwartz and Nieuwhof on Energy
Development of Personal Green/Yellow/Red Calendar Template